Contra Bootcamp 2022

James Seykot

Content Editor
Digital Marketer
G Suite

In this post, I shared some quick thoughts on my experience in Contra's Bootcamp.


Building Community

The Contra Bootcamp is an immersive and collaborative experience for freelancers and service providers across the world. It's a space to learn the basics of freelancing and developing your independent work life. When I joined the program, I was excited to collaborate on a creative project with people from all over the world and develop myself in the process. Following the program, I've come away with new frameworks with which to think about and apply to freelancing and consulting.

Lessons Learned

All in all, the program helped me to take my work to a new level and was extremely valuable for me. I've met a lot of cool people, learned how to market myself, learned how to better work with clients, and how to make my work more visible online. I was able to update my prices and evaluate my work to provide better service moving forward. During the four weeks, I was able to flesh out ideas I've had for years and find clarity in some areas that were previously ambiguous. It's one thing to have ideas for your business, freelancing, or consulting. It's another thing to actually test those ideas with a group to create something from scratch. I appreciated the shared level of accountability in building something from nothing. The program provided the space to get creative with an eclectic group of people with different areas of expertise. Since I'm at a relatively early place in my career, I found the program helped me to follow my curiosity, explore different projects and services, and make connections along the way. I particularly enjoyed brainstorming with my partner Tadhg, a talented copywriter from Ireland, who also happens to have a perfect radio voice (start that Podcast Tadhg!). It was a fun ride, but the real test of my work will come from applying the lessons learned after the program.

Underpromise, Overdeliver

Contra underpromised and over delivered with the program. It felt easy and pressure-free while at the same time packed with value. Something that doesn't come easy is creating an extraordinary life you're proud of, yet that's why Contra exists. As they say, the ethos of the future of work is "about creating long-lasting relationships, building a career you're passionate about, and working the way you want." I recommend it to anyone who's freelancing, as it's designed for independent workers from all backgrounds, whether it's copywriting, website design, graphic design, branding strategy, or something else. The mechanics of the program are valuable even if you have solid experience as an independent or freelancer. Don't miss out, sign up for the next Contra Bootcamp!

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