Staying at home for the last five years, being a hands on mother to four energetic and strong-willed kids, I have to say, I never rested. Productivity always mattered. More than the output I did when I was ” working. ” How so? Looking at these four now, while they’re quiet and asleep ( after endless bouts of arguments and whining and pointing fingers and…you get the picture right? ), I get to see myself from another perspective. I was not just a mom. I am a parent. A hardworking one at that. A loving one at that ( definition: loving-affectionate,disciplinarian,firm,funny and everything in between ). One day, when they get to read all my posts in this obscure blog, and they stumble on this one, they’d see how mommy loves them to pieces. That even when mommy would raise her voice to emphasize a point or just be plain mad, mommy loves them, yes, to pieces.