Next Level Sound Therapy requested an interview and promotional video to explain more about their business to prospective clients. The videos would be featured on their WordPress website and social media platforms. Pro athlete and personal trainer Amy Wolf features in the promo and the business owner features in the interview. You can learn more about Amy from her article on
Technical Considerations
The shoot would be conducted in a noisy environment, so we had to plan ahead to ensure that the audio would come across clearly. The owner wanted a personal interview alongside a client interview, so we scheduled out multiple shoots throughout their working week. The interviews were recorded on premises, so we created an interview space in a seldomly used part of the business premises.
For the voice-overs it was determined to isolate audio in a controlled studio environment, as it would be challenging to control sound levels in a busy gym.
The Lumix S5IIX was selected for it's ability to shoot Full Frame 6K OpenGate 3:2 in 10-bit, granting the ability to shoot once and crop vertically and horizontally in post without a loss to image quality.
The client chose to host the video on the YouTube platform. The final footage was downscaled to 1080p to accomodate for end users with slower internet connections.