Gustavs Gotauts

Kristine Vilnite

Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Welcome to the showcase of my collaboration with Gustavs Gotauts, an exceptional sales man, entrepreneur and E-Commerce expert.


Gustavs has over 10 years of experience in building and advising various businesses. Since 2018, he has turned his full focus on making money in E-Commerce. After being very satisfied with my work on his Agency's website (eCOMHUB Agency), Gustavs approached me to develop his personal website.

Client Review

Kristine created a unique homepage for my personal brand. Her creativity, professionalism, and technical expertise made my vision a stunning reality. Thank you, and I will choose you for my next homepage project.


  1. Create a personal website reflecting Gustavs colourful energy and journey thus far.
  2. Display an inviting and clear CTA for Gustavs audience.

Timeline: 1 month

Thank You for your interest in my work. If you are interested in building your own personal website I kindly encourage you to reach out! 🤍 Kristine

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