MALZO - Package Design

William Liedner

Packaging Designer

The Case

The packaging design is an artful marriage of contrast and modernity. Deep, intense hues juxtapose against luminous accents, creating a visual symphony that captures attention.

Key Features

Experience the art of contrast and fusion with Malzo All-Natural Moisturizer.
Contrast: The packaging design is a dynamic dance of contrasting tones, capturing the essence of bold transformation. Deep, rich shades interplay with luminous accents, reflecting the powerful fusion within the cream.
Edge: The packaging design radiates a modern edge, with angular geometries and sharp lines that create a sense of dynamism.
Typography: Typography makes a bold statement, conveying the cream's potent nature. The product name commands attention in a font that exudes confidence and allure, while ingredient specifics and usage directions are confidently presented in a typography that mirrors the cream's impactful formulation.
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