Revitalizing a Brand: Hermès — A Logo Rebrand Design Concept

Louise Akani

Art Director
Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator
For one of my class study, I chose to rebrand the traditional french brand Hermès. I grew up in Paris from a half black, half arabic family and it always has been complicated to identify myself to these big brands that were encouraging whiteness in the country. I chose to rebrand Hermès "Paris" as an Hermès "Worldwide" by creating a new identity and logo as if the new creative director were from Africa, mixing the African flags’ colors with the original Hermès’ orange. This rebranding is made to touch a "worldwide" avant-garde customer, who’s looking to change the society through fashion by encouraging new black creatives. The logo is a completely draw and designed font, using 3D effect adding a streetwear spirit to refresh the brand in the aim to turn it into the future instead of always looking at the past.


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