The S Paradox Admat

Morgan Manasa


Graphic Designer

Adobe Photoshop

This project was for the full admat for Babes With Blades Theatre Company's upcoming production, The S Paradox by Jillian Leff.
The marketing team and I played with the idea of a Rubin’s Vase, a dissolve of one character from another and something signifying different timelines that our main characters would run across.
We had a photoshoot with my buddy Steve Townshend at Distant Era and captured a lot of really great shots of our actors, but at the end of the day we decided to go with a variation of the Rubin’s Vase layout. While working on the first draft it became clear that with all the other design elements, using face-to-face images resembled a wrestling event rather than a theatre poster (no diss to wrestling). I tinkered around and we agreed that a back-to-back layout worked best and I started finalizing everything. These are the final designs for the poster and social media grpahics:
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Posted Mar 26, 2024

This project was for the full admat for Babes With Blades Theatre Company's upcoming production, The S Paradox.






Graphic Designer

Adobe Photoshop

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