Fullstack Engineer for an EdTech Company

Enodi Audu

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer


As a versatile developer, I significantly enhanced a company's digital presence through strategic redesigns and performance optimizations. My contributions included improving user experience, increasing web traffic, and boosting customer conversion rates. By integrating best practices and advanced technologies, I ensured the scalability and maintainability of the entire application.

Problem and Solution


The company's landing page and overall web application needed significant improvements in user experience and product discoverability to increase traffic and conversion rates. The challenge was to redesign the landing page, conduct effective A/B testing, and update the application to a more cohesive design system while maintaining robust backend functionality.


I redesigned the company's landing page, resulting in a 10% increase in traffic and more lead generation. Conducting A/B testing allowed me to refine the user experience and enhance product discoverability, leading to a 7% increase in customer conversion rate. Additionally, I updated the web application to use a global design system, ensuring a consistent user experience across the platform. I also built REST APIs using Ruby on Rails to handle user authentication and manage classrooms, contributing to the application's robustness and scalability.

Goals and Requirements


1. Enhance user experience and increase web traffic.

2. Boost customer conversion rates through improved product discoverability.

3. Maintain and scale the web application with continuous improvements and dependency updates.

4. Ensure cohesive design and user experience across the application.


1. Redesign the landing page to improve user experience and generate more leads.

2. Conduct A/B testing to refine user experience and increase product discoverability.

3. Continuously update and scale the application, focusing on performance and dependency management.

4. Collaborate with product, design, and backend teams to gather and implement product requirements accurately.

5. Implement a global design system to ensure consistency across the web application.

6. Build REST APIs using Ruby on Rails to handle user authentication and classroom management.

7. Define and monitor key product metrics to guide ongoing development and improvement efforts.

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