Rankings.MBA | MBAs from all over the world.

Ahmed Younes Kacel

Web Designer
Fullstack Engineer

Rankings.MBA is a website where you could gather informations about 300+ MBAs all over the world , Such as Rankings, locations , price, deadlines, duration and more

Description :

This website is an MBAs data visualisation gathered in one website, user can have informations about any MBA around the world such as tuition price , deadlines , rankings , duration and more.

Main page:

Main page
Main page

In this main page , users can have informations about the MBAs and their rankings , data is filterable and sortable by all properties , user can also add universities to favourites to compare it with other universities

Details page:

details page
details page

In this page , users can have all detailed informations about each mba.

Technical view:



Tailwind CSS

Zustand for state management

React-query for data fetching and caching



PostgreSql as database

Supabase as ORM

Supabase Auth for auth handling


This website uses server side rendering (SSR) for SEO optimization

the data is imported in excel or csv format , processed and uploaded to database.

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