E-commerce platform with Laravel, with admin Panel & Responsive

Abotalib Adam


Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




This project is an ecommerce website that I created using Laravel, a PHP framework that provides a robust and elegant solution for web development. The website allows customers to browse, search, and purchase products from different categories. The website also has features such as shopping cart, checkout, payment, order confirmation, and invoice generation.
The project requirements were to create a user-friendly and responsive website that follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and uses object-oriented programming. The project also required implementing security measures such as password hashing, input validation, and CSRF protection.
To create this project, I used the following approach:
I designed the database schema and created the tables using MySQL.
I created the models, views, and controllers using Laravel and followed the PSR-4 autoloading standard.
I used Bootstrap for the front-end design and added custom CSS for styling.
I used jQuery and Ajax for the interactive features such as adding products to cart, updating quantities, and deleting items.
I used Stripe for the payment integration and generated invoices using FPDF library.
I tested the website on different browsers and devices and fixed any bugs or errors.
The main challenges I faced in this project were:
Implementing the MVC pattern and OOP in Laravel, which required a good understanding of classes, inheritance, interfaces, and namespaces.
Generating dynamic invoices for the customers and the admin.
I learned a lot from this project and improved my skills in web development, especially in Laravel.
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Posted Aug 18, 2024

This project is an ecommerce website that I created using Laravel, a PHP framework that provides a robust and elegant solution for web development The website..






Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




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