Moon Manifestation Planner

Camille Thomas


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Creative Designer

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Planner Outline
Plan new goals according to the Moon cycle and see how the power of manifestation works! This manifestation planner gives you the writing prompts, rituals, and tools to create your dream life. Go on a 365-day powerful process of visualizing and writing down your desires to help activate your subconscious mind, enabling you to achieve anything you set your mind to.
Why was this planner created?
- To help your set goals and plan every part of your life.
- Answer the most important life questions
- A guide to define your purpose in life and accomplish your goals
- Guide you through the path of manifestation
- Turn your dreams into realty
- Help with the manifestation process so you can get results.
Why you need a manifestation planner?
Manifestation is a hard practice to master. And it is called practice for a reason. No wonder beginners find it more arduous and confusing.
Benefits of moon journaling
Why Moon Phases are important? Setting intention
The Moon Planner helps you to follow each Moon phase and keep on track with every New and Full Moon ritual. Each New Moon and Full Moon is opening up an opportunity for you to reflect, plant seeds of intentions as well as release what no longer serves you and celebrate what does.
New Moon
This is the most exciting part of the lunar cycle. New moon manifesting ensures you get clear on your goals and dreams every month. This is a time to think about what you do want and not what you don't want. Put your wishes/intentions in writing or in a drawing. Reading your intentions out loud is very powerful. Visualize your intentions as if they already happened.
Full Moon
This is the high point of the lunar cycle. If one of your wishes is to come true it may well manifest at this point. Some wishes take time do not get discouraged if it hasn't come true. If something hasn't worked out forgiving is detoxifying, this is the time to let go and release anyone or anything that has hurt you especially disappointment, guilt, jealousy and fear. Feel blessed and full of gratitude.
How to use a Manifestation planner?
- set aside 5-10 minutes every day in the morning for making entries in the planner.
- The daily journal “Today’s Plan” is ideally filled up at the beginning and end of the day.
- You can use this to make a mission statement for the day. With your intention and to-do lists, you are reminding yourself of the task ahead.
- In the “Notes’ section, you can summarize the day’s events and mention whether you achieved what you intended for the day.
- You can memorize and repeat the daily affirmation whenever possible and as many times as you can.
- At the end of the day, you can come up with a positive incident or incidents that you feel thankful for.
- Practice new moon and Full moon rituals according to the dates on the calendar
New Moon Rituals
1. Prepare Sacred Space
a. Clear space and sage
b. Turn on diffuser with an essential oil to set the mood for your intention
i. Frankincense
ii. Lavender
iii. Bergamot
You can put the oil on yourself or in a diffuser or in a bath.
iv. Turn on meditation music – put yourself in a relaxed state
2. 1 red candle (manifestation), 1 green candle ( gratitude)
3. Create 2 lists
a. List of what you are grateful for
b. List of things you want to manifest
4. Read list out loud and burn the list
Full Moon Rituals
1. Prepare Sacred Space
2. Prepare Sacred Space
a. Clear space and sage
b. Turn on diffuser with an essential oil to set the mood for your intention
i. Frankincense
ii. Lavender
iii. Bergamot
You can put the oil on yourself or in a diffuser or in a bath.
3. Create list
a. List of negative thoughts you want to leave behind
4. Burn 1 white candle (eliminate negative thoughts or beliefs)
5. Read list out loud visualize it and burn the list.
This planner integrates all these unique teachings and everything you need for manifestation and offers it to you as a package. These are the same methods millionaires and high achievers use to become successful. This is how high achievers develop their winning strategy for wealth building, success, and joyous life. This is the only planner you’ll ever need.
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Posted Jul 9, 2024

The client wanted editing and original content for moon phase interpretation. This is the layout I worked from.






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