40 Decibels Music

Nora Rakaiby


Video Editor

Adobe After Effects

Final Cut Pro

40dBM (@40decibelsmusic) was created in Egypt in 2019, in celebration of our universal love for music. A space for talented artists to get closer to their fans, and underground musicians to gain more exposure. HereInterviews, studio jamming and collaborations and live events, 40dBM does it all.
40Decibels Music (sponsored blue40)
40Decibels Music (sponsored blue40)
Here are some of the videos i've created for 40dBMusic. Credit for Colorist Mohamed El Sherbieny (@universus_art) for the color grading.

Teasers: Stay Tuned For...

RamyTheDJunkie (@the_djunkie)

DJ Artist and Sound Mixer since 1997.

BalQeis (@balqeislive)

Oud Musician, Multi-Instrumentalist and Live Looping Artist.

Dico Misr (@discomisr)

A Band of three talented musicians mixing disco funk with oriental sounds.

A Look On 40dBM Guest Artists in 2019


Disco Misr (@discomisr)

A Band of three talented musicians mixing disco funk with oriental sounds.

Malak (@malakelhusseiny)

Singer and Songwriter.

Artist interview artist: Tamer x Basyouni

40dBMusic gathered Tamer Hashem, drummer from Egyptian famous band Cairokee, and underground singer Ahmed Basyouni, to interview each other.

Studio Jam Sessions

BalQeis X Mauve

Two Artists, Two different styles. 40dBMusic gathered BalQeis, a multi-Instrumentalist musician and live looping artist, with the now-discontinued-band, Mauve, to collaborate together for the first time. They ended up creating this magical piece, before the might ended..
(This video will be replaced with the wide HD version of it very soon..)
Client: 40 Decibels Music. Creative Director: Mohamed El Sherbieny (@universus_art). Producers: Linda Alim (@ilindaalim) & David Youssef( @davidyoussef). Agency: Media Republic (@themediarepublic) on instagram.
Thank you for your time. For more snippets of other editing projects i've worked on, check out my Vimeo page: https://vimeo.com/norakaiby
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Posted Feb 4, 2022

40dB was created in celebration of our love for music. A space for underground artists, to gain more exposure: interviews, studio jamming and live events.






Video Editor

Adobe After Effects

Final Cut Pro

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