Pneumonia Disease Classification | Machine Learning

Zeeshan Akram

Data Scientist
ML Engineer

Performed Steps:

Got data from Kaggle public datasets.
Configured TPU (Tensor Processing Unit).
Performed preprocessing and image augmentation on data.
Prepared data for training and validation.
Build a model using transfer learning.
Train and validate the model.
Made predictions.

Project Details:

Python Version: 3.7
Packages: numpy, pandas, kaggle_datasets, tensorflow, keras, matplotlib, efficientnet, sklearn, seaborn, re, math, cv2, PIL, os.
Model: EfficientNet B6 (Transfer Learning with Imagenet weights).
Training Result:
Recall: 0.9542
Precision: 0.9881
Accuracy: 0.9575
Validation Results:
Recall: 0.9744
Precision: 0.9870
Accuracy: 0.9713
Predictions Accuracy: 88.30%

Code Previews:

For full source code please visit the GitHub repository.

Github Repository Link:

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