Staff Recruitment Agency Web Application

Muhammad Usman

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer


In this project, I developed a comprehensive web application for a county local staffing agency, designed to streamline their recruitment process. The application features three distinct user roles: Super Admin, Admin, and Recruiters.

User Roles and Features:

Super Admin Control:

• Oversee the entire system with comprehensive management capabilities.

• Manage Admin and Recruiter accounts, and user management. Admin Features:

• Set recruitment goals and monitor progress for the recruitment team.

• Manage recruiter activities and track their performance against set goals.

Recruiter Interface:

• Input hiring data, contributing to the agency’s recruitment efforts.

• Track individual progress and rankings on the leaderboard.Live leaderboard display

Key Feature: Leaderboard System

Goal Setting:

• Admins create active and upcoming recruitment goals for hiring agents.

• Goals are defined by the number of new hires to be achieved within a specified timeframe.

Progress Tracking:

• Recruiters move up the leaderboard as they add new hires, fostering a competitive and motivating environment.

• Real-time updates ensure that all users can see the latest rankings and progress.

Celebratory Features:

• Individual Achievement: When a recruiter meets their goal, a celebratory fireworks animation is displayed for them.

• Team Achievement: When the entire team meets the collective recruitment goal, a celebration fireworks animation is displayed for everyone, promoting team spirit and collective achievement.


The web application successfully streamlined the recruitment process for the agency, providing a clear and engaging way to set, track, and achieve recruitment goals. The leaderboard system and celebratory features fostered a competitive yet collaborative environment, motivating recruiters to perform at their best and achieve their targets.

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