Copywriting and Design Examples

Kathryn Zalesky

Digital Marketer
Graphic Designer
Examples of marketing projects I designed after I developed the company's brand and style guide.

Business Cards Project

I was tasked to recreate the company's business cards using an old business card. Project Tasks:
Acquire the high resolution logo file for Graphic Design
Color match the gray used in the business cards
Match the typography


Old Business Card Front (Physical copy provided; no templates or files)
Old Business Card Front (Physical copy provided; no templates or files)
Old Business Card Back (Physical copy only, no templates or files)
Old Business Card Back (Physical copy only, no templates or files)


This is the business card file template I created. I tracked down the vector file from the company's web development team for crisp, sharp lines, and scrubbed the website for typography matches. This template was used to design over 50 different business cards quickly and efficiently.
New Printable Business Card Back
New Printable Business Card Back

Various Marketing Deliverables

Sky Seats Postcards

The Sky Seats Postcards were designed as a marketing tool for outreach events like job fairs. The purpose of the postcards is to stand out amongst competitors by showcasing a new benefit that sets this company apart from all of the other employers at the Atlanta Airport.
Project Tasks:
1. Design the marketing deliverable 2. Create a dynamic QR code that sends potential employees to an updated page of open job positions. 3. Acquire a quote from a current employee that experienced the Sky Seats Program first-hand. 4. Complete any/all additional copywriting and design. 5. Send the design to print.
Sky Seats Postcard Front
Sky Seats Postcard Front
Sky Seats Postcard (Back)
Sky Seats Postcard (Back)

Job-Specific Handout

These job-specific handouts were designed to distribute to mechanics in and around the Atlanta area. FSM Group sought out automotive mechanics and recent trade school graduates who were specifically looking for mechanics positions. This handout was designed to outline the mechanic position itself, attracting existing mechanics. Project Tasks: 1. Find the current Mechanics Job Description and fact-check with the managers and HR that the information is accurate and up-to-date. 2. Take pictures for the handout. 3. Create a dynamic QR code that sends potential employees to an updated page of open job positions. 4. Complete any/all additional copywriting and design. 5. Send the final design out for review (3 rounds of revisions). 6. Send the design to print.
Mechanics Job Handout (Front)
Mechanics Job Handout (Front)
Job Mechanic Handout (Back)
Job Mechanic Handout (Back)


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