Fullstack Web App

Matt Kettelkamp

This project was built for a client with the goal of creating a software tool to help healthcare providers manage doctor's preference cards in the operating room.
Homepage using React Three Fiber
Homepage using React Three Fiber

Tech Stack

Drizzle ORM
Framer Motion
Tailwind CSS
React Three Fiber (three.js)
Next Auth


A large part of this project was taking the time to really understand and build out the database schema to keep some level of flexibility to apply the application to different hospitals or surgery centers while still keeping the specificity needed for each as well. After building out the backend structure it was time to focus on the UX/UI and build out the frontend. This was a process of building then testing with users for feedback and changing based on the feedback to ensure the software was intuitive. I continued to iterate with this pattern until the project was ready to go live and be tested at a real surgery center.
Preference Card Example
Preference Card Example
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Posted Jul 10, 2024

Preference card management application build for healthcare professionals using Next.js, Framer Motion, Vercel, React, three.js, Postgres, and Drizzle ORM.