Belanova Cosmetics

Alejandra M.


Graphic Designer

Packaging Designer

Print Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Design for shampoo bottles

Client requirements:

2-color screen printing
Create a unique and identifiable presentation for each shampoo variety
Shampoo design for 2-color screen printing
Shampoo design for 2-color screen printing

Design for hair serums series

Client requirements:

2-color screen printing
Create a unique and identifiable presentation for each variety
Hair serum design for 2-color screen printing
Hair serum design for 2-color screen printing

Hair keratin shock packaging design

Bottle label and box design

Client requirements:

1 tint printing label
4/1 printing box
Box and label design for hair keratin shock
Box and label design for hair keratin shock
Like this project

Posted May 29, 2023

The requirement was to create a unique and identifiable presentation for each product. The design must be adapted for 2-color screen printing.






Graphic Designer

Packaging Designer

Print Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

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