Translating English to Hungarian

Benjamin Balogh

Microsoft Word

I translated the article of Herman Bavinck: Creation or development (for personal use) to an academic professor.

To avoid any legal problems, I only quote here a few words of the 59208 character long English and 59576 character long Hungarian version.

But Christ who has come down to earth is he who has also ascended above all heavens, that he might fulfill all things.And he is exalted that once every knee to him should bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

De Krisztus, aki lejött a Földre az, aki fel is ment minden mennyek fölé, hogy beteljesítsen minden dolgot. És ő felemeltetett, hogy egyszer minden térd neki hajoljon meg, és minden nyelv vallja, hogy ő Úr, az Atya Isten dicsőségére.

There was also a heavy editing in the document, because the pages were imported from not A4 but A5 size.

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