DDR3 Controller with VHDL


Embedded Systems Developer

Table of Contents

Brief Description

This is a 4:1 memory controller with configurable timing parameters and mode registers so it can be configured to any DDR3 memory device. The user-interface is the basic Wishbone. Optional features include:
AXI4 User Interface
SECDEC for error correction
Dual-rank Support
This memory controller is optimized to maintain a high data throughput and continuous sequential burst operations. The controller handles the reset sequence, refresh sequence, mode register configuration, bank status tracking, timing delay tracking, command issuing, and the PHY's calibration. The PHY's calibration handles the bitslip training, read-DQ/DQS alignment via MPR (read calibration), write-DQ/DQS alignment via write leveling (write calibration), and also an optional comprehensive read/write test.
The optional built-in self read/write tests made it easier to test the memory controller without needing an external CPU. These tests include a burst access, random access, and alternating read-write access tests. Only if no error is found on these tests will the calibration end and user can start accessing the wishbone interface.
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