Route card generation and Xero API integration for manufacturing

Ben Thomas

Software Engineer
Web Developer
Manufacturing route card system with Xero integration. Site used to sign route cards and ensure compliance at ISO audit time.
The company had an existing manual system for filling out route cards. When parts are created – a route card needs to be created.  There may be numerous route cards for a single order. E.g. An order may contain 10 line items. The items can be created at different times and signed off on. A system was built using ASP.NET and C#.
UI - Fetch data from Xero
Select invoice. Allow selecting of completed invoice items to add to route card.
Generate word document using Xero and user selected data
Generate a route card document using the selected items.
Generate PDFs
Generate a PDF using C# and add a signature to it.
Upload document
Upload the doc to Xero via the API. Data is ready for future audits.
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