“But his appetite had disappeared. It seemed like his physical essence had been stripped away, like only the casing remained. ”
“In the ‘40s, jazz, blues, and rock had rolled out the doors of clubs that dotted that road.”
“They’d done all the little things. All that was left to do was open the doors and see who showed up. ”
“If the kids needed lunch money, he gave them lunch money. If they needed discipline, he instilled it. If their brothers or fathers were absent, he provided a role model.”
“They created their own secret handshake, and Rasheed relied on his own, even-keeled way of communicating to bond with Jake. ”
“ If a higher power had marked him to live out the plot of a movie, maybe he hadn’t been assigned Jerry Maguire.”
“Rasheed and Kerrisha named him Dallas Cowboy Walker. ”
“Corisa began to cry. Benny held Rasheed’s hand. He kissed his youngest son on the head and left the room. ”
“Throughout the season, Adrian saw traces of Rasheed everywhere.”
Posted Dec 29, 2024
Feature for Flagrant Magazine.