WEBFLOW Design and Development | Dental Website

Ziyad Khan


Web Designer

Web Developer

Webflow Developer



An advanced, fully responsive, Webflow website for a dental company, with CMS and E-commerce built into it.

Full breakdown of website is given below ❤️

Hope you enjoy it 😊

Pages 📑

It has 5 pages in total:
Shop page
User Page
Blog page
Product page

1. Homepage

This is the homepage
This is the homepage

Animations and Interactions 🫣

From animated buttons to custom scrollbar, the interactive animations keeps the audience engaged and connected to the site.

2. E-commerce page 💰

This website has an E-commerce built into it, not a simple one tho. You can choose between the categories and also choose the variation of product that you desire.
The design is very minimalistic and full of animations to keep the user engaged.
This is the shop page
This is the shop page

3. Product Page

This is the product page
This is the product page
Cart and Checkout
Cart and Checkout

4. User Page

This website is powered with Webflow Users which means that a user can sign up and log in to the website. More over he can also reset his password and subscribe to the newsletter, if any.
The pictures are as follows:
Log in Page
Log in Page
Sign up page
Sign up page
User Page
User Page

5. Blog Page 🤓

It also has a Blog Page about the innovations in Dentistry, The powerful CMS of Webflow allows the Blog post page to be designed the way you want it to. Full of rich text, media and quoted text.
Blog Page
Blog Page
Blog post
Blog post

Cast Study 📚

This website was designed keeping the goals of a dental company in mind. The choice of colors, fonts, design and all these things is what makes this website unique and fresh.
Colors 🎨
I chose the "sans-serif" font called "Cabin" because it has a touch of modernism and elegance added to it, feels bold and shows that the dental company is confident in what they do.
Spacing 😌
The website has a lot of white spacing for breathing added to it so that the user doesn't feel occupied with everything bunched up into one place.
Animations ✨
The homepage is full of animations and the buttons are full of interactive animations to keep the audience engaged.
E-commerce 🛍️
Nowadays, E-commerce shops are a lot and while most designers and developers don't care but majority of E-commerce websites are very occupied and very naggy to use.
The E-commerce page of this website is very clean and minimalistic, yet shows boldness and elegance.
The E-commerce of Webflow is soo powerful and scalable that it allows you to make all sorts of E-commerce websites. Same is the case here, you can choose from different categories of products and choose the product with ease.
Blog 📃
Using the power of Webflow CMS, I built this Blog page integrated in the website.
The Blog page of this website is very minimalistic with good spacing and very organised. The Blog post page is very rich and full of media, quoted text, highlights and all kinds of details.
That's a wrap! Have a good day ❤️

Contact me now at workziyadkhan@gmail.com

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Posted Jan 23, 2024

An advanced, fully responsive, Webflow website for a dental company, with CMS and E-commerce built into it.






Web Designer

Web Developer

Webflow Developer



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