Metric Central LinkedIn Content

Naomi Wilson


Content Creator


I create LinkedIn Content for a new UK Marketing Company named Metric Central.

The Spark ✨

This client had posted an ad on PeoplePerHour looking for a LinkedIn Content Creator. I applied for this knowing that I'd be able to help this client, and we had a meeting over zoom, and after the meeting, I was hired!
This client was asking for content to be made that matches his company's brand. The colours, font, animations, and even the copy. I can proudly say that I have successfully achieved this as I have been working with this client for over 9 months now and I still create their content today.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: 1 week Budget: ££ Deliverables: Colour Codes • Font • Icons • 3D Elements

Great content as usual Naomi! Keep it coming!

Richard Director
Like this project

Posted Jul 8, 2022

This content was created for Metric Central, a new UK marketing company. They wanted content that matches their brand colours, fonts, and identity.






Content Creator


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