Harassment in my early years

Saloni Patidar

Microsoft Word

A narrative of the harassment I experienced as a child

When I was just a girl of nine,
I faced a fear that isn't kind.
A fear that made me feel so small,
That left me helpless, feeling appalled.
My uncle, dear, so close at hand,
Harassed me, left me in demand.
I didn't know what it all meant,
So I kept quiet, no words I spent.
I grew up soon, yet felt so low,
For what had happened, I didn't know.
I learned the truth, became aware,
And felt the weight, beyond compare.
I hate myself, for all those times,
I didn't speak, I didn't chime.
It's why I write this, to declare,
To all the girls, be brave, don't snare.
If anything happens, like it did to me,
Don't keep it quiet, be wild and free.
Tell your parents, take action now,
Don't be afraid, you'll find out how.
This message strong, I hope you hear,
That victims, we should all revere.
So stand your ground, don't feel afraid,
For we will support, we'll come to aid.

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