
Vivek Doddi

AI Developer

Robot Maze Navigation and Mapping

Setup of the Course:

The Maze:
The Floor:
The Path:

What the Robot does:

The Robot can travel through the Maze, mapping each cell it traverses through. When it reaches a green tile or there is no unexplored tiles next to it, it successfully traverses back through the maze, until it finds an unexplored neighboring tile to continue it's adventure. When the robot finally reaches the red tile, it first thinks if it knows the fastest path back. If it knows the fastest path back, it will calculate it using the A* Search Algorithm and start going back. If it does not know the fastest path back, it will explore the path of the Maze where the fastest path might be. Then go back to the red tile and then do the A* Search and traverse back to the home tile.

Robot Setup:

The robot used in this project was from Lego Mindstorms EV3.
The program was written in Java and the lejos library was used to program the robot.
The robot used with this code, had the Infrared sensor looking at the front, the Ultrasonic sensor looking at the back, the Colour sensor looking at the ground and the Gyro sensor on the main body. Two big Motors where used for the movement.

Avoiding Walls

Following the lines

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