HeroBox | Google Ad Grant & Google Analytics 4

Logan | Digital Tabby

Digital Marketer
Search Engine Marketing
Digital Marketing Specialist
Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
HeroBox provides care packages to deployed US military service members. They've supported more than half a million service members since they started. They help connect US citizens that want to support troops with troops that are looking to receive a taste of home in the form of a care package. 

Marketing Goals

HeroBox wanted to find more sponsors (people that package and send care packages) along with more heroes (deployed service members that want to receive a HeroBox).  They turned to Digital Tabby to achieve this.


We were able their ad grant account from only a few dollars in ad spend to averaging $324 a day (which is 98.4% of the maximum spend). You can see the ramp up of clicks, spend, and conversions here:
Account build up scaling to 98% available grant amount.
Account build up scaling to 98% available grant amount.


HeroBox has an excellent website but hadn't updated from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4.
We immediately installed Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager to begin tracking donations, leads via contact form, leads via text chat box, and registrations to send or receive a HeroBox.
We imported these conversion events to Google Ads and began to build out the campaigns!
The tricky part here was segmenting between deployed military and those who were looking to send care packages. In other words, sender vs recipients.
Google Ads doesn't have an existing audience to filter deployed military so our focus was on utilizing keywords exclusively to find the right audience.

Leveraging Military Appreciation Month

May is Military Appreciation Month in the United States and a great opportunity for extra exposure from HeroBox!
We targeted broad terms related to military appreciation along with phrases related to supporting troops during this month. This has resulted in donations, new registrations, and great exposure for HeroBox.
They also now have a proven campaign structure that they can use for every Military Appreciation Month in the future.

Moving Forward

This account is still relatively new and there's plenty of room for further growth as we continue to hone in on the highest converting keywords. We'll also continue to leverage future events based on the success of May and Military Appreciation Month.
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