For this project, it was a 6 page essay for a criminal justice major. I was sought out to double check references, proofread, edit any grammar mistakes, format the layout of the essay, and reformat into APA 7th.
Problem & Solution 🤝
The biggest problem that I saw in this project is originially my client completed their essay in MLA format and all their references were URLs and had not been cited throughout the document
I had to rewrite the essay and carefully cite all their sources in the corresponding places where they had used information.
Goals/Requirements: The goal was to successfully return the essay in 2 days.
• Goal 1: Format in APA 7th
• Goal 2: Cite all sources correctly
• Goal 3: Return essay error free
Results 🎁
I was able to return the document in less than 24 hours error free. I was updated a week later and my client stated that their profressor commented on the essay being one of the best.
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Posted Jul 28, 2022
I can proofread and edit any type of project regardless of length.