3D packshot | Blender | After Effects | Illustrator

Rodrigo Alves

3D Animator
3D Renderer
3D Modeler
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Our journey begins with Blender, where we meticulously 3D modeled every element, from the iconic jar to the lush botanical surroundings. Next, we seamlessly integrated our Blender scenes into After Effects, where we added the final touches and brought our vision to life. Leveraging advanced techniques such as lens distortion, color balance, and RGB curves, we enhanced the visuals to create an immersive experience that transports viewers into the heart of Herb Haven's world. But the magic doesn't stop there! Behind the scenes, we harnessed the power of AI algorithms to optimize scenes and elevate the overall quality of our work. From scene optimization to image processing, AI played a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity in every project.
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