Hand Gesture Volume Control Using Computer Vision


Data Scientist
ML Engineer

Hand Gesture Volume Control

Table of Contents


Hand Gesture Volume Control is a Computer Vision project that allows you to control the system's audio volume using hand gestures detected from a webcam input. The project uses the

Mediapipe Hands

solution to detect hand landmarks in real-time and calculates the distance between the thumb and index finger tips. This distance is then mapped to the system's volume range to control the volume level based on specific hand gestures.


Real-time hand gesture recognition for volume control

Webcam feed with hand landmarks and volume control bar display

Audio volume control using hand gestures

Hand gesture feedback on successful volume control


To run this project, you need the following dependencies:

Python (>= 3.6)

OpenCV (cv2)





Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/TLILIFIRAS/Hand-Gesture-Volume-Control.git cd hand-gesture-volume-control

Install the required dependencies using 'pip' :

pip install opencv-python mediapipe numpy pycaw


Make sure you have a webcam connected to your computer.

Run the hand_gesture_volume_control.py script:

python hand_gesture_volume_control.py

The script will open a window showing the webcam feed with hand landmarks and a volume control bar.

Perform the following hand gestures to control the volume:

As you perform the gestures, the volume will change accordingly, and the volume control bar will reflect the changes.

Release the gestures to set the desired volume level.

How It Works

The project uses the Mediapipe Hands solution to detect hand landmarks in the webcam feed. The distance between the thumb and index finger tips is calculated using the math.hypot() function. The calculated distance is then mapped to the system's volume range using np.interp() to control the volume level. The pycaw library is used to interact with the system's audio volume interface and set the volume level.


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any issues or have any suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the existing code style and guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the terms of the license.

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