Automating Deployment with Ansible and Jenkins

Shubham Bhardwaj


DevOps Engineer

Software Engineer

SEO Writer

Introduction:In today's fast-paced software development world, automation plays a crucial role in streamlining deployment processes and ensuring consistent and reliable deployments. In this technical post, we will explore how to automate the deployment process using Ansible and Jenkins. Ansible, an open-source automation tool, will help us configure and manage our infrastructure, while Jenkins, a popular continuous integration and delivery tool, will handle the orchestration of deployment tasks. By leveraging these tools together, we can achieve efficient and repeatable deployments.
Prerequisites:Before proceeding with this guide, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
A working knowledge of Ansible and its concepts.
A basic understanding of Jenkins and its setup.
A target environment where you can deploy your application.
Step 1: Setting up Ansible and Jenkins
Install Ansible on the machine that will serve as your Ansible control node. Refer to the official Ansible documentation for detailed installation instructions based on your operating system.
Install Jenkins on a separate machine or use an existing Jenkins installation. Ensure that Jenkins is properly configured and accessible.
Step 2: Creating the Ansible Playbook
Define the required infrastructure configuration in an Ansible playbook. This playbook will contain tasks to configure the target environment, install dependencies, and perform any necessary setup steps.
Use Ansible modules and plugins to interact with the target environment's infrastructure components, such as servers, load balancers, and databases. These modules allow you to manage and configure the infrastructure in a declarative manner.
Incorporate role-based configuration management by creating Ansible roles for different components of your application stack. This promotes code reusability and modularity.
Step 3: Configuring Jenkins
Install the necessary plugins in Jenkins to enable Ansible integration. Key plugins include "Ansible Plugin" and "Pipeline Plugin."
Create a Jenkins job or pipeline to execute the Ansible playbook. Configure the job to connect to your Ansible control node and provide necessary parameters, such as inventory file, playbook path, and extra variables.
Define the deployment workflow in Jenkins, specifying the required build steps, triggers, and conditions. This can include source code retrieval, testing, packaging, and running the Ansible playbook.
Step 4: Sample Code:Here's an example of an Ansible playbook and a Jenkins pipeline script:
Ansible Playbook: deploy.yml
- name: Deploy Application
  hosts: target_servers
  become: true

    - name: Update code repository
        dest: /var/www/app
        version: master
        force: yes

    - name: Install dependencies
      command: pip install -r /var/www/app/requirements.txt

    - name: Restart application service
        name: myapp
        state: restarted

Jenkins Pipeline Script: Jenkinsfile
groovyCopy code
pipeline {
  agent any

  stages {
    stage('Checkout') {
      steps {
        git ''

    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        sh 'pip install -r requirements.txt'

    stage('Deploy') {
      steps {
          playbook: 'deploy.yml',
          inventory: 'inventory.ini',
          extraVars: [
            target_servers: 'webserver1,webserver2',

Conclusion:By combining Ansible and Jenkins, we have created an automated deployment process for our application. Ansible allows us to define and manage the infrastructure, while Jenkins orchestrates the deployment tasks. This automation streamlines the deployment process, reduces errors, and improves efficiency. Feel free to customize and expand upon the provided code samples based on your specific application and infrastructure requirements.
Remember to adapt the playbook and pipeline script to fit your application's deployment needs and adjust the inventory file and variables as necessary.
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Posted May 27, 2023

Created a custom solution for automating deployment of a complex web application using Ansible and Jenkins, reducing deployment time by 75%.






DevOps Engineer

Software Engineer

SEO Writer

Shubham Bhardwaj

DevOps and Software Engineer, SEO Writer

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