
Piyushkumar Dubey

Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer

How to get started?

To run the app you need to setup few files which are environment and needs to be unique per app


Steps I

  1. open the repository in terminal
  2. cd booking-microservice
  3. create a .env file
  4. Set the values

Steps II

  1. open the repository in terminal
  2. cd user-microservice
  3. create a .env file
  4. Set the values

Steps III

  1. open the repository in terminal
  2. cd flight-microservice
  3. create a .env file
  4. Set the values

Steps IV

  1. open the repository in terminal
  2. cd user-details-microservice
  3. create a .env file
  4. Set the values

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