DEVELOPMENT // DIGITAL STORE: redesign & implementation

Denisa Azap


Frontend Engineer




E-Commerce Platform: online shop redesign & implementation
• I worked across multiple teams to improve UI implementation and experience, making sure to follow best practices in terms of the structure and styling of the in-house library of components, in order to ensure reusability and scalability.
• I brought value to the client by implementing UI components and animations, advising team members on best development approach and overseeing design accuracy.
Worked on web accessibility features alongside ADA team in order to update components and achieve an AA rating as defined by WCAG.
• I had multiple roles within this project:
- React Developer - developed components and features;
- Lead UI Developer - overlooked several teams to provide good HTML & SCSS code from the early stages of component implementation;
- Connection between Design & Development - due to my experience in the design field I was able to ensure good communication between the creative team and the developers, so that everyone was aware of what the expectations and requirements for the project were.
• The front-end side of the application is implemented using ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML, SCSS.
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Posted Jun 14, 2022

I brought value to the client by implementing UI components and animations, advising team members on best development approach and overseeing design accuracy.






Prisma Ventures


Frontend Engineer




Denisa Azap

UI/UX Developer & Designer

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