lyceum anniversary posters on Behance

Markéta Doležalová


Graphic Designer

* I worked with the existing logo, the key color blue and the Montserrat font used by the institution.
The institution is celebrating 160 years since its foundation and this is the promotion for the event.
 I researched the design in the year the lyceum was founded and came up with the flat and 'retro' vibe of the final results. I chose different color combinations for the posters to make it interesting to see around town. Also I created a set of symbols that refer to the anniversary itself or to the ship's screw, after whose founder the lyceum is named. In addition to posters, stickers were created for students, which will hopefully advertise the event from their phone cases etc. I used the same aesthetic in Instagram post proposals.
Overall I wanted to create retro cheerful designs, which will catch people's attention and promote the event in the right vibe.
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Posted Sep 12, 2023

I wanted to create retro cheerful designs, which will catch people's attention and promote the event in the right vibe.






Graphic Designer

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