
Iago Bozza


Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer

Web Developer


Ruby on Rails

Metronomify - Metronome + Practice Manager with Pomodoro Functionalities

Metronomify is a versatile application that combines the functionality of a metronome, practice manager, and pomodoro timer. It provides musicians, learners, and anyone striving for productivity with an all-in-one solution to manage their practice sessions effectively. Whether you're a musician perfecting your instrument skills or an individual seeking better time management techniques, Metronomify has got you covered.


To see the Metronomify live, please visit The website might take a little to load the first time depending on your region, but once it's loaded, the experience should be seamless! If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us!


Metronome: A reliable metronome with adjustable tempo and time signatures to help you maintain a consistent rhythm during your practice sessions.
Practice Manager: Keep track of your practice sessions by creating, updating, and deleting sessions. Each session can have a title, description, date, and duration.
Pomodoro Functionality: Leverage the power of the Pomodoro Technique for enhanced productivity. Set intervals for focused work and breaks to maintain a balanced practice routine.
Built-in Timer: The integrated timer makes it easy to keep track of your practice duration, ensuring you stay committed to your goals.
Dashboard: The dashboard provides an overview of all your practice sessions, allowing you to track your progress over time.
Report Pane: Visualize your practice data with beautiful graphs in the report pane. Analyze your practice patterns, identify improvements, and stay motivated.

Technologies Used

Ruby on Rails: Our robust back-end framework provides a stable foundation for seamless data management and server-side operations.
React: The front-end is built using React, enabling a dynamic and interactive user interface.
React Query: We use React Query for state management, making data retrieval and caching a breeze.
Mantine: Metronomify's UI is powered by React components from Mantine, ensuring a modern and visually appealing design.


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Posted Aug 4, 2023

Metronomify combines the functionality of a metronome, practice manager, and pomodoro timer. - GitHub - writeonlycode/metronomify: Metronomify combines the fun…






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