Mainly, you’ll want to invest in a good mic, as it will be a part of your everyday operations. With so many out there on the market today, it can be confusing to choose one – but just stick to tried and tested equipment with straightforward features. Case in point, opting for
the popular Blue Yeti Pro with its rich and detailed recordings at 192 kHz is ideal for both pros and beginners. The recording is fed straight to your computer via the premium A-D converter. If you’re not sure what any of that means, the bottom line is that these features are useful for podcasting and doing voiceovers. Its higher sample and bit rates that capture everything with pitch-perfect clarity is what you should look for when choosing your mic. Another thing that you’ll be using constantly is editing software. If you have the patience to learn it,
Pro Tools lets you tweak and clean the audio, add music, and apply effects to your recordings. This software will let you fix anything that gets muddled up during recording. Of course, if you can opt for something less complex and just start out with Audacity – it’s easy to use and gets the job done.