Building an Online Presence for Lexaswim

Nicole Levy

Web Designer
SEO Specialist
Google Search Console


  • September 2023 - Ongoing

Deliverables & Tools

  • Website, Competitor analysis, SEO reports
  • Shopify, Semrush, Moz, Google Search Console, Google Docs

About the Project

Lexaswim is a sustainable brand that approached me to enhance its online presence. They sought a beautifully designed, user-friendly website and effective digital marketing strategies to drive growth. The project involved migrating their content from Squarespace to Shopify and designing a new website optimized for search engines. My role was to oversee this migration and ensure the new website was both visually appealing and functional.


To meet Lexaswim's needs, I successfully migrated all content from Squarespace to Shopify, ensuring no data was lost in the process. I designed a new, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly website optimized for search engines to improve visibility and attract more traffic. The design included seamless navigation, high-quality visuals, and an intuitive layout to enhance user experience. Additionally, I developed digital marketing strategies focusing on SEO, social media integration, and content marketing to support Lexaswim’s growth objectives


The new Shopify website significantly improved Lexaswim's online presence, offering a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that attracted and retained more visitors. The SEO optimization increased the brand's visibility in search engine results, driving higher organic traffic. I continue to work with Lexaswim on an ongoing basis to enhance digital marketing strategies that lead to increased brand awareness and sales. Overall, the project successfully achieved Lexaswim's goals of growth and improved online presence, supporting its mission as a sustainable brand.

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