
Zaid Khan

Data Analyst
Microsoft SQL Server
Power BI

Pizza Sales Analysis

Project Overview

This Data Analysis project aims to provide into sales performance of an Resturants company over the past year.By analyzinf various aspects of the menu sales of the resturant sales data,We seek to identify trends, give data-driven insights and gain deeper understanding of the resturants performnace.

Data Source

Pizza Sales Data : The primary dataset used for this analysis is the "pizza_sales.csv" file,containing detailed info about each sales made by the resturants.

Software Used in this Project

Power Bi
Ms SQL Server
SQL Server Management Studio

Data Prep

In the initial data preparation phase, we performed the following tasks:
Data loading and inspection.
Handling missing values.
Data cleaning and formatting.

Problem Statement

KPI's Requirements
We need to analyze key indicator for pur pizza sales data to gain insights into our business performance. Specifically We need to calculate the following Metrics:-
Total Revenue
Average Order Value
Total Pizzas Sold
Average Pizzas Per Order

Charts Requirments

Daily Trend of Total Order
Monthly Trend of Totakl Order
Percentage of Sales by Pizzas category
Percentage of sales by Pizza Sales
Total Pizzas Sold by Pizzas Category
Top 5 Best Seller by Revenue
Bottom 5 Best Seller by Revenue

Data Analysis

Select * from pizza where cond = 2;
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