The App.jsx file is a central component of my React application. It serves as the root component that manages the state and rendering of my notes-taking app. Here's an overview of its functionality:
State Management: The useState hook from React is used to manage the notes state. It initializes an empty array to store notes
addNote Function: This function is responsible for adding a new note to the notes state array. It takes a newNote as a parameter and uses the spread operator(...) to create a new array that includes the previous notes along with the new one.
deleteNote Function: This function is used to delete a note based on its id. It filters the notes array to exclude the note with the specified id.
Rendering: This component renders several child components:
Passing Data: The addNote and deleteNote functions are passed down to child components to allow for data manipulation from within those components.
This App component acts as the core of my notes-taking app, managing the creation, deletion, and rendering of notes. It demonstrates the use of React hooks and state to build a dynamic user interface.
Project Structure
Here's an overview of the project structure:
src/: This directory contains your React application source code.
components/: Contains React components used in the app.
App.jsx: The main application component.
Header.jsx: The header component.
Footer.jsx: The footer component.
Note.jsx: The individual note component.
CreateArea.jsx: The component for creating new notes.
public/: Contains public assets, including the HTML template (index.html)..