It is a Silver Jewellery Ecommerce website , Here the logic of holding the stocks have been implemented. Stock and inventory is managed here with both types of product (Simple And Varient One).
Dynamic Permissions Allocation to dynamic roles , so that according to the roles of the admin , the content they can access can be controlled
Used JWT , HTTP only cookies , RS-256 method for authentication where keys are generated in time periods. Thus providing a more secure application.
Developed all the pages and integrated them , DIfferent Angular libraries were used such as prime ng , Chart js , Angular Material UI , bootstrap , ngx-bootstrap , etc.
Transcations used for handling Stocks and orders.So that our routes and logics are secure and process can be reverted back if any error occurs.
Backend made with MVC architecture , made api and wrote advanced queries to handle all the data. Products , carts , orders and Stock Management.
Signals , interceptors and other services for authentication are used to handle the cart and security as a whole.
All the designs and pages are made responsive to all commenly used screen sizes.