
Sunny Sahijwani

AI Content Creator
Web Developer
React Native Developer
Firebase Authentication
Visual Studio Code

About Indigo App

This is a comprehensive mobile medicine reference that includes management of everything in internal medicine ranging from anemia, lab abnormalities, to complicated chronic conditions such as AIDS/HIV. This includes all the common cases you'll see on a medicine ward / ICU and how to manage them. In addition, it offers amazing tips on how to survive on being a new resident - such as how to properly call consults, how to write H&Ps etc.

Features/Tech Stack

✔ Admin panel in React JS

✔ Content is fed into RealTime DB from Firebase

✔ TinyMCE is used as Editor in admin

✔ GPT Turbo integrated for content generation & birufcation

✔ ReactNative App with FCM

✔ ACL integrated

✔ Firebase Cloud Functions in NodeJS with Firebase Authentication

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