OurSiteK Website

Dominik Mészáros

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
UI Designer

Project Overview

OurSiteK, a tech startup focused on innovative web solutions, came to us with a need for a dynamic and engaging website that would highlight their cutting-edge products and services. They wanted a platform that would not only showcase their technological expertise but also convey their modern and forward-thinking brand identity. We took on the challenge with enthusiasm, aiming to deliver a site that was both visually striking and highly functional.

Design Process

Discovery & Research

Goal: Gain a deep understanding of OurSiteK’s brand, market, and user needs.

Actions: Conducted thorough client interviews, market analysis, and created detailed user personas to guide our design strategy.

Wireframing & Prototyping

Goal: Develop an intuitive and engaging user interface.

Actions: Created wireframes for core pages, followed by interactive prototypes using Framer. Incorporated client feedback through iterative design sprints to ensure alignment with their vision.

Visual Design

Goal: Establish a visual identity that reflects OurSiteK’s innovative spirit.

Actions: Selected a sleek, modern color scheme and clean typography to emphasize simplicity and innovation. Designed custom graphics and icons to enhance visual appeal and brand coherence.


Goal: Build a responsive, high-performance website.

Actions: Used Framer’s powerful design-to-code capabilities to turn designs into a fully functional website. Focused on clean coding practices, ensuring fast load times and a seamless user experience across all devices.

Key Features

Product Showcases: Detailed pages for each product, highlighting features and benefits with interactive elements.

Dynamic Animations: Smooth animations and transitions that enhance user engagement without distracting.

Responsive Design: Optimized for all devices, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

SEO Optimization: Implemented best practices to improve search engine visibility and drive organic traffic.


Higher User Engagement: Significant increase in page views, user sessions, and time spent on the website.

Positive Client Feedback: OurSiteK’s team praised the website’s design and functionality, noting it as a perfect embodiment of their brand.

Improved Online Presence: Enhanced SEO rankings and a noticeable increase in online inquiries and demo requests.


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