as a
child there was always this confusion about where I would fit into the world. I
sure knew I never fitted in whatever presented itself to me. I was alone but
golden. Still I felt I was unfamiliar to the jokes too. I didn’t understand
what was going on most of the time. Most days I felt like If I say a word I’m
going to choke on it because my whole presence felt wrong. Maybe it’s a feeling
that clings to a child because it doesn’t matter if the surrounding objects and
people acknowledge you or not, I still felt deserted, I remember it felt so
strange how everything was around and it felt transparent at the same time, I
think it was the first time I felt this nihilistic, I felt like I was refusing
this world. It disappointed me. people used to like me because I was the
smartest kid in the room, they didn’t care about dreams or fantasies or myths,
they didn’t want to recognize things beyond their understandings or even try
just to give this place meaning, they didn’t believe me, and I didn’t like it.
I didn’t like being so awfully limited, I hated the way we were only defined by
our ability to be machines when there was much more to it. I hated teachers and
I hated the way my parents would see nothing in me but empty good grades. I
wanted to be heard. I had dreams I didn’t understand, I cried over things I
didn’t understand what was hurting me about them, I realized the world wasn’t
made for magic or fantasies and you certainly can’t fly. I didn’t understand
why my parents weren’t living together or why I never saw my father like
everyone else as much. I didn’t understand being hurt by it. One time I asked
my mother why I cry every day, I told her I don’t understand and she mocked me.
it gets hard for parents to realize their children are hurting while they’re doing
so much so the world doesn’t actually crumble. When I grew up I understood
that. I still didn’t like the way people defined things. I hated being the
smartest kid in the room and I gave it up, which in return tuned me into a
completely invisible idea, I guess I only existed in my best friend’s head. I
hated the way people never listened. They never did. If only they did. I
started to find comfort in books. In absolute silence. I still hate the way
this world is absorbed in emptiness and no one is willing to listen to you, to
try and understand. This ignorance killed me, day by day. everything felt
wrong, I felt if I move I’m going to die. Like a monster of your own making and
it’s got it’s hands around your neck, waiting. Always waiting. In the back ground
of everything a disturbance, I was just counting the days until it would end