USAID - Instagram Sentiment AI Agent

David Yerrington


AI Agent Developer

Data Scientist

AI Developer




Basic capture from a sentiment dashboard that is dynamically generated and then summarized with AI
For USAID I created a product spec for a narrative and sentiment-based prototype that allowed non-technical stakeholders explore both Instagram and Youtube comments based on freeform queries.
Data acquisition and data lake requirements
Targeted geographic filtering of social media posts / comments over specific time range (Jordan)
Exploratory data analysis and modeling of data
Translation of Arabic content to English using Cohere and OpenAI APIs
Insights presentations to key stakeholders
Processing of comment data to vectorized format for retrieval automated generation (RAG) with agent workflows using OpenAI
Development of prototype application that dynamically built data visualization modules based on input of user
Summarization features of comments and allowing users to query / ask questions about subsets of data

Data Acquisition

I authored several documents including vendor evaluation from which to source our data from. After meeting with 5+ vendors, we decided that it was more cost effective to build our own data acquisiton around select providers within RapidAPI ecosystem.
QA of geographic data associated with target location(s)
Throughly evaluating API usage costs was an essential part of scoping this project before taking on any data acquisition. This not only helped define accurate budget projections but also about how much engineering time would be needed and data processing time based on these assessments.
Multi-threaded comment acquisition script observing API rate limits and cleanly handling exceptions

AI Translations

Since most content was in Arabic, we had to be focused on not only the technology but how to translate 1.6M+ comments within a 2 week period given the rate limits of OpenAI. During the process, I ran into some downgraded performance unexpectedly with the clients API key. This prompted a last minute evaluation and review of many different AI solutions. Eventually this lead me to Cohere which affordably provided excellent translations with 10x the throughput in API limits.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Upon acquiring our initial data samples, I outlined and preseted key challenges that impacted the project but also being mindful of where most value could be had with more focus and explaining tradeoffs of executing on them.
We looked at seasonal patterns, like vs comment distributions, but also low level details about when people most posted comments which provided recommendations later on. While I can't elaborate on the specific insights, these types of reviews are essential for setting baseline assumptions and talking with stakeholders.

Document Embeddings

Using a vector database, ChromaDB, makes it possible to search comments in plain language. This type of database enabled the searching of custom data (social media comments) in context of any language model request so the end user can query and perform tasks against any of the data in question.
Search IG and Youtube for specific phrases or keywords
Produce data visualizations related to the data to quickly understand key characteristics
Common trends
Significance of findings
Summarize the data succinctly with AI
Explain which data visuals and data characteristics are more interesting
Assess any themes and call out if they are just outliers or substantiated with enough volume of data
Users can ask / query the subset of data further such as "What is this 'EUD' people are talking about?" (in this case, Eud is a holiday in Jordan and the AI could explain what it was and how it was being used)
Like this project

Posted Feb 16, 2025

I worked with USAID to help key stakeholders understand what is talked about in the Middle East about their organization using AI agents and automated analysis.








AI Agent Developer

Data Scientist

AI Developer




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