MeetMinutes Website & Ads Landing Page

Tanishq Gautam

Web Designer
Web Developer
Framer Designer


We developed a high-converting website for MeetMinutes, an AI-powered notetaking app, designed to attract and engage potential users effectively. Our comprehensive project included the creation of a psychologically optimized pricing page and two targeted landing pages: one focused on competitor comparison and the other centered around the core campaign for MeetMinutes. The website was built using Framer, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing user experience.

UI/UX Strategy

  • User-Centered Design: Intuitive navigation, responsive layout.
  • Visual Appeal: Modern, minimalistic design with consistent branding.
  • Clear Messaging: Concise copy and strong CTAs.
  • Competitor Comparison Page: Easy-to-read tables highlighting differences.
  • Core Campaign Landing Page: Focused on key value propositions, testimonials, and case studies.

Sales Psychology

  • Pricing Psychology: Charm pricing, tiered options, highlighted popular plans.
  • Social Proof: User testimonials, reviews, well-known client logos.
  • Scarcity and Urgency: Limited-time offers, countdown timers.
  • Loss Aversion: Highlight potential losses of not using MeetMinutes.
  • Authority: Endorsements from experts, positive media coverage.

Custom Code/Framer Component Overides

Built a react based function on Framer to make a switch component on pricing page that toggles between monthly & yearly pricing, also dynamically changing the price on cards with a currency switcher which changes the price as per the current forex rates.

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