Sales Visit Software Updates

Faith Rehema

Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer
Database Administrator

Role: Fullstack Engineer


For the freelance consulting project, I collaborated with Computer Pride Limited to enhance their software called "Sales Visit." As a fullstack engineer, I contributed to various aspects of the project, including database management, backend development using PHP Lumen framework, and frontend development using Ionic for mobile and Angular for web.


Sales Visit is a comprehensive software solution designed for sales and marketing teams. Its primary purpose is to streamline the process of updating sales visit information and facilitating sales orders. The software incorporates GPS functionality to record the physical location of sales visits accurately. Additionally, it integrates with Sage 100 or Sage 200 ERP solutions to minimize duplication and errors in data entry.


As the fullstack engineer on this project, my responsibilities included:

Database Management: I handled database management using MySQL, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval.

Backend Development: Using the PHP Lumen framework, I developed some backend functionality of the Sales Visit software. This involved implementing robust APIs, data validation, and integrating with external systems.

Mobile Frontend Development: I utilized the Ionic framework to create a mobile frontend for Sales Visit. This allowed sales and marketing personnel to access and update information on the go, leveraging the app's features and GPS capabilities.

Web Frontend Development: Using Angular, I developed the web frontend for Sales Visit. This provided users with a comprehensive interface accessible through web browsers, facilitating data entry and management.


During my involvement in the project, I achieved the following milestones:

Updated Sales Visit Features: I implemented new features within Sales Visit, such as improved sales order functionality, enhanced GPS tracking, and user-friendly interfaces for both mobile and web.

Performance Optimization: I optimized the software's performance by refining database queries, improving API response times, and enhancing the overall user experience.


Working as a fullstack engineer on the Sales Visit software updates for Computer Pride Limited was a rewarding experience. The project allowed me to showcase my skills in database management, backend development using PHP Lumen, and frontend development using Ionic and Angular. The resulting software delivered enhanced functionality, improved data accuracy, and streamlined sales visit and order management for the sales and marketing teams.

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