Custom OTT platform

Lekhraj Kashyap

Fullstack Engineer
UX Designer
A custom OTT platform for women
Built complete OTT platform using MERN StackRoles - User, Admin, Maintenance
Interface: The user can view all the videos after successful Signup. Users can upload videos after ID verification from the admin. The video goes live after admin approvals. Users can add/remove videos to their favorites watch historyViews | Like | Comment | Share functionality like Youtube.
User control panel for managing all uploaded videos.
Custom video player with multiple controls and restricted download option
Admin Panel -Custom multistep form for video upload based on role.Video Approval/Rejection/DeletionCRUD Operations for Users(including blocking and disabling account)CRUD Operations for all video/movies/web-seriesNotifications if user signup/email verification.AWS S3 bucket and AWS hosting.Google analytics, Google tag manager, Search based on tags, title
Responsive layout for mobile and laptops.
Time took - 4months
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