
Yoginder Kumar

Software Engineer
Web Developer
React Native Developer

Pulse Industry

Welcome to Pulse Industry, a cutting-edge inventory management web application!


Pulse Industry is your go-to solution for efficient shop and inventory management. This web application empowers you to effortlessly organize your shop, products, and inventory, all from the comfort of your web browser.

Key Features

User-Friendly Interface: This app offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed to simplify complex tasks.
Account Creation: Users can create accounts by providing essential details such as name, email, and a secure password.
Shop Management: Easily create and manage your shop with features like shop name, bio, address, and location coordinates.
Product Management: Add and maintain products in your shop, including product name, description, price, tags, and real-time inventory tracking.
User Roles: Assign roles like Admin and Manager to team members, enabling efficient collaboration and task delegation.
Stock Control: Manage stock levels for individual products, ensuring accurate inventory tracking and control.
Data Persistence: Your data remains secure and accessible, even after closing and reopening the app, thanks to Firebase.

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have the following requirements installed on your machine:
Node.js (version 16 or higher)
npm (version 8 or higher)


Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine:
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/yoginderkumar/pulse-industry.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd pulse-industry
Install project dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your web browser and access the application using the specified port. For an optimal experience, we recommend using a mobile-sized viewport

Technology Stack

Pulse Industry leverages cutting-edge technologies to deliver a robust and efficient inventory management solution:
TypeScript (version 4): Enhancing code quality and maintainability with strong typing.
React (version 18): Crafting a responsive and interactive user interface.
React-Router-Dom (version 6): Enabling seamless client-side routing and navigation.
Tailwind CSS (version 2): Streamlining CSS development for a responsive design.
ReactFire (version 4.2.3): Facilitating seamless integration between React and Firebase-based backends.
React-Hook-Form (version 7.46.2): Simplifying input form creation and validation.
Zod (version 3.22.2): Ensuring data integrity through powerful input validation.


We've deployed this project with Netlify for continuous deployment, ensuring you have access to the latest features and improvements. To experience the application firsthand, please visit this link using your mobile device for the best user experience.

Potential Improvements

While Pulse Industry is already a powerful tool, there are several areas where it could be further enhanced:
Test Coverage: Strengthening the application's reliability and maintainability with comprehensive test cases.
Error Handling: Enhancing the user experience and robustness through the implementation of error boundaries, such as <ErrorBoundary>.
User Engagement: Elevating the visual appeal and user engagement by incorporating animations for a native app-like experience.

Why React Over React-Native

Setting up a React web app is typically quicker and less complex than configuring a React-Native mobile app from scratch. This choice allowed us to expedite development and deliver a functional solution more rapidly.

Final Deliverables

To explore Pulse Industry and contribute to its development, please visit the GitHub repository here.
For any additional questions or inquiries, feel free to contact us. We value your feedback and look forward to collaborating on future projects.
Recruiter Note: This README highlights the key features, technology stack, deployment, potential improvements, and reasoning behind technology choices. It also provides clear instructions on how to set up and run the project locally. Additionally, it offers recruiters insight into the project's development and deployment process.
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