Professional Letter of Recomendation

Daniela Quiroz


Career Counsellor

Content Writer


Google Docs

Microsoft Word

July 10th, 2023
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to provide a professional reference for ----------, Ph.D. While I have not had the privilege of working directly with -------------, I have been following his work and research for the past decade and I am excited to see his career expand exponentially. Being at the forefront of the advancements in computational fluid dynamics, electrochemistry, fire engineering, and mechanical engineering, ------------ is a crucial key in the continuous development of these fields of research. The impact his research has had on the development of renewable fuel is tangible and will impact the development of the US government both economically and environmentally. His research has provided a means for clean, renewable energy that positively impacts the production of conventional fuel sources. Leading the US to greater fuel independence; this leading to economic value, and a reduction of the United States' environmental impact. Before I continue explaining Dr. Feaurbach’s exciting research I would like to introduce him.
--------------. has spent the last 23 years in the research and development of material science and engineering and the last 14 years in fire engineering and electrochemical energy working with the Fire Engineering Institute, University of East Chicago, and the Electrochemical Energy Laboratory, University of Alabama. ---------- doctoral dissertation was based on Refined computational modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) degradation caused by trace impurities in coal syngas. While his thesis was based on Mathematical modeling of pile-up dislocation against a cylindrical fiber in metal matrix composites.
------------ holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama, a Master's in Science Defense Technologies (Materials Engineering) from the Humboldt University of Berlin, and finally a Bachelor's in Material Science from Humboldt University. Dr. Feuerbach has brought crucial research in multiple areas, not limited to research in fluid dynamics, electrochemistry, fire engineering, and mechanical engineering. The most notable and recent research is that of refined computable modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells degradation which he found to be caused by trace impurities in coal syngas. -------- may also be recognized for his peer-reviewed journal publishing “SOFC Anode Modeling, Journal of Power Sources, “Modeling the effects of coal syngas impurities on fuel cell anodes,” Journal of Power Sources, “Dynamics of pool fire burning,” Energy & Fuel, “A Numerical Study of Planar SOFC Anode Deterioration,” Topics in Electrochemistry.
While all of --------- work is exciting and innovative the most recent published work, “SOFC Anode Modeling, Journal of Power Sources, has provided valuable information used by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program, which includes the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies (FCT) Program, the Office of Fossil Energy, the Office of Nuclear Energy, and the Office of Science. In addition, the SYNGAS Program. The research conducted in this work provided an understanding of how hydrogen fuel cells provide power and heat not only efficiently but also cleanly, reducing the environmental impact of other fuel burning. The use of hydrogen-produced renewable resources can be implemented in a vast variety of settings, including but not limited to transportation and portable power applications. While the environmental impact of this research is grand there must also be an acknowledgment of the outperformance and lower cost compared to conventional technologies and fuel sources.
-------- research will positively impact the US government not just environmentally but also economically. The US has the largest coal reserve in the world and by using SOFCs in coal Synge there would only be benefits to the cost and productivity to the US government. These fuel cells offer reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lowered oil consumption, expanded use of renewable power, highly efficient energy conversion, fuel flexibility, and reduced air pollution. Thus this research shows that there is a positive impact in multiple areas provided by the continued development of the SOFC. With continued development, this would increase the US economy by providing cutting-edge technology in the search for replacing more costly fuel sources, increasing employment in areas dedicated to renewable fuel, as well as US independence in fuel sourcing. Environmentally the reduction of the US carbon footprint through continued renewable energy would positively impact the US government and quality of life. Showing forward thinking and expanding interest in the environment to other nations compared to the United States. 
--------- work has had the benefit of continuously growing and being supported by various government agencies and grants, aided by funding provided by the US Department of Energy, a grant by SYNGAS Program and jointly sponsored by US DOE’s NACRL ((National Alternative Coal Research Laboratory). The integrity of this work speaks via its continued support and use in various agencies currently and further development would bring only benefits to the US government. Showing that-------- work is not only unique and well-developed but also tangibly valuable for continued work in these provided fields. I am excited to have been witness to the impact ---------- work has already provided for multiple areas in the field of renewable energy and I find myself wanting to continue monitoring -------- work and being witness to the multiple positive benefits it will provide the US government in the upcoming years. Since the advancement in this research and technology, it could provide unlimited potential to the United States government both economically and environmentally. 
If there are any additional questions regarding -------- research, I would be happy to oblige. 
Daniela Quiroz
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