------------ holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama, a Master's in Science Defense Technologies (Materials Engineering) from the Humboldt University of Berlin, and finally a Bachelor's in Material Science from Humboldt University. Dr. Feuerbach has brought crucial research in multiple areas, not limited to research in fluid dynamics, electrochemistry, fire engineering, and mechanical engineering. The most notable and recent research is that of refined computable modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells degradation which he found to be caused by trace impurities in coal syngas. -------- may also be recognized for his peer-reviewed journal publishing “SOFC Anode Modeling, Journal of Power Sources, “Modeling the effects of coal syngas impurities on fuel cell anodes,” Journal of Power Sources, “Dynamics of pool fire burning,” Energy & Fuel, “A Numerical Study of Planar SOFC Anode Deterioration,” Topics in Electrochemistry.