Shop & Beyond Online Store

Shreyansh Kumar

Web Designer
Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Tailwind CSS

Ongoing Project


This document provides comprehensive information about the E-commerce web application built using Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, and Prisma. The application consists of a client side for customers and an admin side for product management and analytics.

🚀Technologies Used

  • Next.js
  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MongoDB
  • Prisma
  • Google Analytics


Client Side

  • View Products
  • Add Products to Cart
  • Checkout and Payment

Admin Side

  • Login
  • Add and Remove Products
  • Stock Management
  • View Product Analytics

🎨 Mockup

Landing Page of Shop & Beyond
Admin products manage

Admin Dashboard of the Online Store

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