NEOKRAAL - Apps on Google Play

Mohamed M'nari

Backend Engineer
IT Specialist

Overview 🔎

The Project was started with 2 Developers and a manager, scaled afterwards to 4 developers (2 for mobile front-end & 1 for web Dashboard) the 4th developer is me as a backend, and became project manager afterwards.

Problem & Solution 🤝

At the start of this project I replaced an existed Backend Developer by refactoring his code and continuing to the next phases of the project.
Goals/Requirements: • As a first goal of the app is to manage users credit, like a wallet. • Moving to next goal is to have a marketplace inside this app that belongs to the company where the users can buy and sell their stuff. • The last but not least, actually the most important of all is to provide a logic for users where anyone can have what he wants from the marketplace even without money but you can pay with exchange for a service or for goods.

Process 🛣

With patient, tests and research we achieved all the app goals and now it's online!

Results 🎁

Teamwork, hard work and non stop improvements are the main keys for this project success.
About me:

What I appreciate about you Mohamed is how rare we get errors from your production code

Ibrahim IT Manager

Takeaways 📣

If I learned anything from this client's project is that working with honesty as it is my project, pays off. and I would stick more to the first key of this app success "TeamWork".


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